Marketing a Cleaning Company: Defense v. Offense

Marketing a Cleaning Company: Defense v. Offense

Marketing a Cleaning Company: Defense v. OffenseRCF University
Published on: 15/05/2024

Why playing defense in your marketing might keep you safe, but going on the offensive can put you in the lead

RCF UniversityFinder's FeesClient AcquisitionThe RCF
Buying Clients

Buying Clients

Buying ClientsRCF University
Published on: 30/04/2024

Explore the strategic value of a $250 finder's fee in the house cleaning industry, leveraging Dan Kennedy's marketing philosophy. Learn effective customer acquisition strategies, including the role of trust and relationship-building for enhanced profitability.

RCF UniversityClient AcquisitionThe RCF

What is The RCF?

The only pay-per-client program for house cleaning companies